Counselling Support

What is a counsellor?

Counsellors are trained mental health professionals to provide guidance and support. You can talk to a counsellor to assist you in overcoming difficulties in your life. Counsellors can assist you in exploring your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours in a confidential and supportive environment.

How do I know I need counselling support?

We have created a short list to help you identify whether counselling support is right for you:

  • Have you or someone you know experienced trauma through Domestic Violence?
  • Needing to speak with someone who will listen and provide resources?
  • Dealing with a legal matter that requires counselling?

Is counselling confidential?

By law, a counsellor must keep what you tell them confidential. There are some exceptions, such as where you or another person is thought to be at risk of harm. Your counsellor should outline confidentiality in your first session.

We offer counselling with clients from a trauma informed, DFV informed, strengths-based approach to collaborating with clients using an Intergenerational Trauma lens.

Collaborating with our Solicitor(s) to provide a culturally appropriate service and to help clients understand and navigate the family law system, domestic and family violence system, child protection system and victim assistance application process.

Our Counsellors engage clients using appropriate strengths-based assessments and risk minimisation processes, including safety planning.

Our Counsellors provide support for clients going through legal or criminal matters including Child Protection, Family and Domestic Violence. Please note, clients do not need to be a client of WWLS legal team to access our counselling services.

Our counselling services are provided to people who are experiencing the impacts of complex trauma including Domestic Family Violence, historical child sexual assault and mental health concerns.

We offer appointments face to face, via TEAMS, ZOOM and over the phone.

Accessing our Counselling services

Clients experience

Clients who are experiencing the impacts of complex trauma including Domestic Family Violence, historical child sexual assault and mental health concerns.

Legal Matters

Clients who are dealing with child custody, child access disputes, and property settlements.


Clients going through legal or criminal matters including Child Protection, Family and Domestic Violence. Clients referred to WWLS by different pathways.

Client of WWLS not required

Clients don’t need to be a client of WWLS, however must have legal matters to navigate. An example of this is a client being involved with Child Safety and requiring counselling support to understand the child protection system.

Client Assessment

Clients are assessed on a case-by-case basis. If we are not able to assist clients, they will be referred to external agencies as WWLS deems appropriate to best meet the needs of the client.

We have created a short list to useful counselling resources of you to view:

Health Direct | Information on Counsellors and counselling

Lifeline — for anyone having a personal crisis, call 13 11 14 or chat online.

Suicide Call Back Service — for anyone thinking about suicide, call 1300 659 467.

Beyond Blue — for anyone feeling depressed or anxious, call 1300 22 4636 or chat online.

SANE Australia — for free counselling services for people with mental illness, call 1800 187 263.

MensLine Australia — a free telephone and online counselling service, call 1300 78 99 78.

KidsHelpline — free confidential online and phone counselling services for young people aged 5 to 25 years, call 1800 55 1800 or chat online.

Head to Health — for advice and to get connected to local mental health services, call 1800 595 212. Check the operating times.

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